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Fall Fitness Reset

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Improving Your Movement, Mindset & Nutrition Routine

Program begins October 8*
*Bonus Practice/Prep Week starts Monday, October 2
Setting You Up for Success!

The program cost is $147, or just $3/day!

Do you feel off track with your fitness?

Has summer gotten the best of your fitness routine?

Do you even have a fitness routine?

Do you want a SIMPLE and CONVENIENT way to get back on track - eating well, exercising, and feeling confident again?

Then let’s get started! We’re offering our Fall Fitness Reset to help busy adults like you get back to a consistent and simple healthy fitness routine. When you begin to master movement and the nutrition that fuels your body and mind, you’ll feel better, look better and gain the self-confidence you’ve been missing!


Fall is the perfect time for a reset. Many of us spend our summers hopping from one sporadic event to another, leaving little room to stick to any sort of routine. From vacations to kids being home, family gatherings, and just a general sense of relaxation, it’s easy to get off track of a regular fitness routine.


On the other hand, fall tends to be a more structured time of year making it the perfect time to carve out a new healthy routine for yourself. Fall is when kids return to school, business begins the push to year-end, and life returns to “normal.”


Whether you want to lose weight, move more, or just become a healthier, more confident version of yourself, the PCFL Fall Fitness Reset gives you the tools and support to create a healthy and sustainable routine.

Create a simple, healthy routine by focusing on:

Does this sound like you?

I don't have time to work out. How will I fit this in? 

Our 30-Minute fun and interactive workouts can literally be done from the convenience of wherever you are! Yep, 30 minutes! No more “I have no time” excuses!


You can attend our sessions LIVE on Zoom or view the daily recordings on your schedule. No commute back and forth to the gym. All workouts can be done WITH or WITHOUT equipment! We know you have a lot of demands on your time, so we make is easy to get a quality workout done in just 30 minutes!

I've never really worked out before. Can I do this?

Our clients often come to us with having little or no recent fitness activity. They know that daily movement and healthy nutrition are key to optimal health and well-being, but they are nervous that their current conditioning may not be adequate to keep up with our training.


Fortunately, our business is centered around a safe and caring community of like-minded members and coaches. Our workouts are completely modifiable, and our coaches are experienced at working with all levels of fitness.  Every one of us has had a "first day" and we are all here to support you in your success. Whether you are new to exercise or are an experienced athlete, you are in the right place!

Sounds expensive. I'm not sure I can afford this right now.

How much is your health worth? Sounds crazy, right? Trying to put a price on something that is priceless. You can't! But when you don’t have your health, even for a short time, you’d do anything to get it back.  The problem is that most of us are unhealthy right now and we just don’t realize it. Obesity, Type II diabetes, heart disease, and lack of movement are all silent killers. AND, THEY ARE ALL FIXABLE! We have a choice - pay a little now to stay healthy, or pay A LOT later when we don't! So, how much is your health worth?


You have lots of options to help with your fitness routine. Expensive gyms. Inexpensive gyms. Boutique gyms. The problem with going to the gym is... going to the gym! It’s inconvenient, can be intimidating, and having to motivate yourself to get there at all leads to spotty (at best) fitness results for most people. You also can’t take the gym with you when you travel or the weather is bad! Doesn’t it make sense then to exercise from the convenience of wherever you are? Home ✅ Work ✅ Vacation ✅


Still not convinced? Did you know, that most personal trainers charge $50-100 per hour - just for a workout? No coaching, no nutrition help, no encouragement, no community of fellow members trying to get better just like you! Here’s another way to look at it… For the cost of 2-3 workouts with a personal trainer, we’re giving you 6 WEEKS of workouts (not including a 7th “practice” week), nutrition and healthy habit-forming help, accountability coaching, encouragement, support of a like-minded fitness community, and a free App to assist with your progress!


Let's do the math... $147 for the 6-week Fall Fitness Reset, including a bonus practice/prep week, comes to just $3/Day! Plus, you'll receive daily coaching and accountability, and be surrounded by a community of health-conscious members, so you won't be alone on your journey! 


Doesn’t it make sense then that NOW is the right time to add consistent exercise, healthy nutrition and a positive like-minded community to your life?

I'm not good with technology. I don't know if online fitness will work for me.

Our easy to use website & app, along with instructional videos, and real-life support will help you with any technology hiccups you may face. The PHAT Cat Fit Life team is always here to help!

Who are the coaches?

Our trainers are all NASM-certified, with additional certifications and experience in various movement patterns and modalities, such as kettlebells, TRX suspension bands, and more. We have been helping clients lose weight, get active, and stay healthy for more than eight years. Plus, our coaches have all had unique and successful fitness transformations themselves, so they can personally relate to most levels of your fitness journey. Get to know our coaches here.

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the Fall Fitness Reset - starting Sunday, October 8!


Bonus Practice Week starts Monday, October 2
Setting You Up for Success!

If you’re busy with work, family, life, etc. but want to lose weight, get in shape, and live a healthy lifestyle, then sign up for the Fall Fitness Reset.


The Fall Fitness Reset is a 6-week program (PLUS 1 bonus practice week) which includes:


  • Fun and interactive daily 30-minute live and recorded workouts you can do anywhere  with little or no equipment

  • Personalized calorie goals and nutrition support

  • A personal coach to stand by you the whole way

  • Healthy Fall recipe guide to assist with your nutrition choices

  • Private Facebook community for support from coaches and like-minded members

  • Simple to use app to track progress and keep in touch with your coach


Let us help you establish a healthy fitness routine and keep you on track throughout the holiday season and beyond!

Sign me up!
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YES! I want to join the
Fall Fitness Reset!

Remember, that's $147 for the 6-week Fall Fitness Reset, plus bonus practice/prep week, which comes to just $3/Day! Plus, you'll receive daily coaching and accountability, and be surrounded by a community of health-conscious members, so you won't be alone on your journey!  We can't wait for you to get started with us!

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